
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业英汉词典 第20页

actionable subsidy可控告的补贴详细»
actiones legis for deposits on oath誓金法律诉讼详细»
active air reserve空军现役后备队详细»
active circulation钞票流通额详细»
active conflict of place of domicile住所地的积极冲突详细»
active counterrevolutionary现行反革命分子详细»
active criminal suspect人犯〔名词〕详细»
active duty积极义务,现役〔名词〕详细»
active extradition主动引渡详细»
active homosexuality主动性同性恋详细»
active intent积极故意详细»
active legal relationship积极法律关系详细»
active negligence故意过失 ,积极过失详细»
active partner积极合伙人 ,任职合伙人详细»
active right of legation积极使节权 ,主动使节权详细»
active service现役〔名词〕详细»
active standard to ratify foreign investment批准外国投资的积极标准详细»
active trade balance贸易顺差详细»
active trust积极信托详细»
activists committee of prisoners undergoing reform through labor劳改积极分子委员会详细»
activities for public good社会公益活动详细»
actor行为人 ,行为者〔名词〕详细»
actor or actress演员〔名词〕详细»
acts against reason but not law不当得为详细»
acts in litigation诉讼上的行为详细»
acts of general average共同海损行为详细»
acts stipulated in legal instruments法律文书指定的行为详细»
actual acknowledgment实际知悉详细»
actual carrier实际承运人详细»