
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业英汉词典 第29页

administrative department in charge of realty management物业管理行政主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of surveying and mapping测绘行政主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of telecommunications电信主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of the auto industry汽车工业主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of the coal industry煤炭工业主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of the iron and steel industry钢铁工业行政主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of the manufacturing industry制造业行政主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of the production and operation of pharmaceuticals医药生产经营行业主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of the shipbuilding industry造船工业行政主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of tourist industry旅游业行政主管部门详细»
administrative department in charge of water conservancy水利行政主管部门详细»
administrative department under reconsideration被复议机关详细»
administrative deposition行政听审详细»
administrative determination行政裁决详细»
administrative disciplinary measures行政纪律处分详细»
administrative disposal行政处分详细»
administrative dispute行政纠纷 ,行政争议详细»
administrative division行政庭 ,行政区划,行政区域,行政诉讼审判庭详细»
administrative divisions行政区划 ,行政审判庭详细»
administrative duties行政职责详细»
administrative employee行政雇员详细»
administrative enforcement act行政强制执行行为详细»
administrative ex parte contact行政单方接触详细»
administrative expense行政费详细»
administrative fact行政事实详细»
administrative file行政案卷详细»
administrative formalities行政手续详细»
administrative functionary行政人员详细»
administrative guidance行政指导详细»
administrative handling行政处理详细»