
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业英汉词典 第25页

administer poison投放毒物详细»
administration代管 ,事务管理,行政,行政管理〔名词〕详细»
administration by entrustment委托管理详细»
administration by mandate委托管理详细»
administration for industry and commerce工商局 ,工商行政管理局详细»
administration of airworthiness适航管理详细»
administration of basic-level political power基层政权管理详细»
administration of communications交通行政管理详细»
administration of education教育行政详细»
administration of health卫生行政详细»
administration of Hong Kong by Hong Kong people港人治港详细»
administration of inheritance遗产的保管详细»
administration of printing,molding and carving industries印铸刻字业管理详细»
administration of public order at hotels旅馆业治安管理详细»
administration of seaworthiness适航管理详细»
administration of tax revenue税收管理详细»
administration of the enrollment of colleges and universities普通高校招生行政管理详细»
administration on the registration of periodicals期刊登记管理详细»
administration power to one''s discretion行政自由裁量权详细»
administrative act行政行为详细»
administrative act by resorting to administrative measures采取行政措施的行政行为详细»
administrative act concerning airworthiness适航行政管理行为详细»
administrative act for postal management邮政管理行政行为详细»
administrative act in the management of mass organizations社会团体管理行政行为详细»
administrative act of law行政法律行为详细»
administrative act of navigation control航通管理行政行为详细»
administrative act of water traffic水路交通管理行为详细»
administrative act to one''s discretion行政自由裁量行为详细»
administrative action concerning foreign interests涉外行政诉讼详细»
administrative action for financial control金融管理行政诉讼详细»