
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第167页

公空common air详细?
公立学校public school详细?
公粮agricultural tax paid in grain;public grain详细?
公约优先权日期priority date of convention详细?
公约日期convention date详细?
公约草案draft convention详细?
公约草案的执行execution of a convention详细?
公罪public offense详细?
公职government post;public employment;public office详细?
公职辩护人public defender详细?
公营企业三大民主three democracies in public enterprises详细?
公营企业津贴制subsidy system in public enterprise详细?
公营信托基金public trust fund详细?
公营法人团体public corporation详细?
公认established;generally accepted;generally recognized;universally acknowledged详细?
公认安全generally recognized as safe;GRAS详细?
公议案public bill详细?
公设律师处public counsel''s office详细?
公设遗产管理人public administrator详细?
公证专用防伪用纸anticounterfeiting paper for exclusive use of notarization详细?
公证书notarial deed;notarization详细?
公证书的见证人instrumentary witness;witness of notarization详细?
公证人notary;notary public;scrivener详细?
公证人法notaries public law;notary publics law详细?
公证债权文书notarized instruments of the creditors详细?
公证办公室notarial office详细?
公证员notary;notary public;scrivener详细?
公证员回避withdrawal of the notary public详细?
公证员职务评审委员会appraisal committee for posts of notaries public详细?