翻译 | 详细 |
再教育中心reeducation center | 详细» |
再次a second time;once again;once more | 详细» |
再犯recidivism;recommission of crime;repeat crime;second offense | 详细» |
再生技术regenerative technology | 详细» |
再申请reapply | 详细» |
再登记reregister;reregistration | 详细» |
再被拿捕的逃亡者recaptured deserter | 详细» |
再贴现rediscount | 详细» |
再贴现率rediscount rate | 详细» |
再追索权right of renewed recourse | 详细» |
再颁专利reissued patent | 详细» |
冒充国家工作人员招摇撞骗pretending to be a government employee in bluffing one''s way round | 详细» |
冒充官员pass off as officials;pose as officials | 详细» |
冒充的遗嘱supposititious will | 详细» |
冒名顶替take another''s place by assuming his name | 详细» |
冒牌产品imitated product;imitations;pirated products | 详细» |
冒牌贸易trade of imitations | 详细» |
冒用他人信用卡的行为act of taking the credit card of another as one''s own | 详细» |
冒用商标trademark infringement | 详细» |
冒称hold out;imposture | 详细» |
冒险程度degree of adventure | 详细» |
写传票传唤write up | 详细» |
写字楼销售合同contract for sale of office buildings | 详细» |
军中拘留所detention barrack | 详细» |
军事military affairs;military | 详细» |
军事上脱离接触military disengagement | 详细» |
军事专约military convention | 详细» |
军事中立化military neutralization | 详细» |
军事义务military duty;military obligation | 详细» |
军事人事法military personnel law | 详细» |