翻译 | 详细 |
不能犯未遂impossible attempt | 详细» |
不能自由兑换的风险foreign exchange risks | 详细» |
不能赎回irredeemable;unactionable;impossibility;impossible | 详细» |
不能转让横线nonnegotiable crossing;not negotiable crossing | 详细» |
不自营公司non-operating company | 详细» |
不良倾向harmful trend | 详细» |
不良影响adverse effects;harmful effects | 详细» |
不良职务行为犯official misconduct | 详细» |
不补偿原则non-compensatory doctrine | 详细» |
不要因的法律行为noncausal juristic act | 详细» |
不要式informality;informal | 详细» |
不要式合同informal contract;formless contract | 详细» |
不要式法律行为informal juristic act;formless juristic act | 详细» |
不要式的行政措施informal administrative measure | 详细» |
不要式行政行为informal administrative act;formless administrative act | 详细» |
不要陪审团的庭审non-jury hearing | 详细» |
不规则批准irregular ratification | 详细» |
不计利息bearing no interest;free of interest | 详细» |
不认领disclaim | 详细» |
不记名bearer;blank;unregistered | 详细» |
不记名应付汇票bill payable to bearer | 详细» |
不记名投票secret vote;silent vote | 详细» |
不记名汇票bearer draft | 详细» |
不记名股票bearer share;bearer stock;bearer stock certificate;unregistered stock | 详细» |
不许ban;disallow;do not allow;do not permit;forbid;must not;prohibit | 详细» |
不许保释的nonbailable | 详细» |
不论灭失与否条款lost or not lost clause | 详细» |
不设防nonfortification | 详细» |
不设防城市open city;undefended city;unfortified city | 详细» |
不证refuse to witness | 详细» |