
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第34页

东南会子bill of exchange used in the Southern Song Dynasty详细»
东正教the Orthodox Eastern Church详细»
东海大陆架continental shelf of East China Sea详细»
东盟国家ASEAN countries详细»
东道国host country;host nation详细»
东非East Africa;East African详细»
东非共同市场East African Common Market详细»
丝税silk duty详细»
丝绸出口管理control of silk exports详细»
丢失的原件the lost original详细»
两伊Iran and Iraq;Iran-Iraq详细»
两便原则principle of convenience for both court and litigants详细»
两党制bipartisan system;two-party system详细»
两分段审判bifurcated trial详细»
两合公司KG;K.G.;limited partnership by shares;societe en commandite详细»
两国共管dual control详细»
两地套汇two-point arbitrage详细»
两审终审the second instance being the final instance详细»
两岸关系立法legislation on relations across the Taiwan Straits详细»
两年预算周期biennial budget cycle详细»
两曹both parties in a lawsuit;both plaintiff and defendant详细»
两极地区的归属权territorial sovereignty over the polar regions详细»
两次抗辩double pleading详细»
两次认证double probate详细»
两百海里区two-hundred-mile zone;200-mile zone详细»
两级选举two-level election详细»
两罚责任说dual punishment liability theory详细»
两讫the goods are delivered and bill is cleared详细»
两造both litigious parties;both parties in a lawsuit;both plaintiff and defendant详细»