
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第42页

公力救济relief by public force详细»
公务line of duty;official business;official function;public affairs;public duty;详细»
公务人员Crown servant;government functionary;public functionary详细»
公务出差人员staff on official business详细»
公务员civil service;civil servant;government employee;government office worker详细»
公务员图利罪profiteering of government employees详细»
公务员委员会civil service commission详细»
公务员晋升制度civil servants'' promotion system详细»
公务员滥用职权罪abuse of official capacity by civil servants详细»
公务员的任用appointment of civil servants详细»
公务员福利制度civil servants'' welfare system详细»
公务员职务关系civil service relationship详细»
公务员降职制度civil servants'' demotion system详细»
公务回避withdrawal from official business详细»
公务旅行official travel详细»
公务猥亵罪crime of indecency in official services;offense of indecency in official services详细»
公务签证official visa;service visa详细»
公务豁免official immunity详细»
公务邮袋official pouch详细»
公勤人员office attendants;service personnel in an office详细»
公司专用基金special-purpose funds详细»
公司人格理论theory of corporate personality详细»
公司优先债务preferential debts of a company详细»
公司住所domicile of a company详细»
公司债corporate bonds;debenture of the company;corporate debts;debts of a corporation详细»
公司债券募集办法raising method of corporate bonds详细»
公司债吸收absorption of corporate bonds详细»
公司债溢价premium on bond详细»
公司入息税corporate income tax详细»