
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第189页

作图线construction line详细»
作女儿态play the woman详细»
作好应付...的准备brace up to详细»
作好战斗准备load for bear详细»
作威作福domineer over;push about详细»
作巡回政治演说stump for详细»
作废be out of use;bland out;cancle out;null and void;repeal详细»
作开场白led in详细»
作弊cheat at详细»
作想象地叙述drawn on her imagination;drawn on his imagination;drawn on my imagination;drawn on our imaginations;drawn on their imaginations;drawn on your imaginations;drew in her imagination;drew in my imagination;drew in our imaginations详细»
作成working out详细»
作战区zone of action zone of combat详细»
作战地图battle map;war map详细»
作战情报显示系统combat information display system详细»
作战指挥系统aperational control system详细»
作战时的呐喊war cry详细»
作战航行图operational navigation chart详细»
作报告make a return详细»
作文字游戏juggle with words详细»
作新的阐述cast a new light;cast new light;shed a new light;shed new light;throw a new light;throw new light详细»
作无益的后悔cried over spilk milk;cry over spilk milk;cry over spilt milk详细»
作无米之炊made bricks without straw;make bricks without straw详细»
作最后润色slick up详细»
作最大努力full steam ahead;shoot the works;shot the works详细»
作有利于...的裁决decide in favor of;decide in favour of;decided in favor of;decided in favour of详细»
作深呼吸taken a deep breath详细»
作物形态学特性plant morphologic characteristic详细»
作狂文rhapsodize over详细»