
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第193页

使...减速put a brake on详细»
使...出庭受审讯brought up详细»
使...出现在法庭send before详细»
使...分开keep apart详细»
使...到达忍无可忍的地步put the tin hat on;put the tin lid on详细»
使...加快set ahead详细»
使...匆匆通过rush through详细»
使...十分疲劳tire out;tire to death详细»
使...协调give coordination of详细»
使...协调的co ordinative详细»
使...占上风turn the balance in favor;turn the balance in favour;turn the balance in m''s favor;turn the balance in one''s favor;turn the balance in one''s favour;turn the balance scale in her favour;turn the balance scale in him favour详细»
使...卷曲frizzle up详细»
使...厌烦piss off;satiate with详细»
使...及时知道keep abreast of;keep abreast with详细»
使...发展brought along详细»
使...发狂drive round the bend;drive up the wall;driven round the bend;driven up the wall;drove round the bend;drove up the wall;sent up the wall详细»
使...发笑move someone to laughter详细»
使...受严格的训练put someone through the mill详细»
使...受到控制keep under control详细»
使...受挫折thrown a wet blanket on详细»
使...受窘put to the blush详细»
使...变为reduce into详细»
使...变弱run down详细»
使...变得不太紧loosen up详细»
使...变得对他有利turn to his advantage详细»
使...变得对她有利turn to her advantage详细»
使...变得对我有利turn to my advantage详细»
使...变松弛limber up详细»
使...变皱crease up详细»