
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第45页

为...提供maintain for;supply for;supply with详细»
为...提供基础provide the basis of详细»
为...提供推定证据的significative of详细»
为...提供衣物等rig out详细»
为...播音announce for详细»
为...改编adapt for;be adapted for详细»
为...敲钟toll for详细»
为...服丧mourn for;mourn over详细»
为...洗刷groom for详细»
为...流血bleed for详细»
为...游说议员lobby for详细»
为...牵线搭桥marry with详细»
为...牺牲make sacrifice to详细»
为...生气fume at详细»
为...留余地leave room for;left room for;make allowance for;make allowances for;make room for详细»
为...的健康干杯drank to the health of;drunk to the health of详细»
为...的利益打算for the benefit of详细»
为...的目的花钱go to the expense of;went to the expense of详细»
为...相信goes down with详细»
为...竞争vie for详细»
为...约定appoint for详细»
为...而争吵fight about详细»
为...而伐木log for详细»
为...而依靠rely on for详细»
为...而冒险risk for详细»
为...而出卖sell for详细»
为...而制订计划make a plan for详细»
为...而参加合格试验try out for详细»
为...而受苦suffer for详细»
为...而叹息sigh about;sigh for;sigh over详细»