
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第59页

不当地认为arrogate to详细»
不形成习惯non use详细»
不很清楚it be not understood that;it can not be understood that;it may not be understood that;it must not be understood that;it should not be understood that;it will not be understood that;it would not be understood that详细»
不得...的好感be in someone''s bad books详细»
不得不be compelled to;be constrained to;be forced to;be obliged to;be obliged to do;bound to;cannot but;cannot choose but;cannot help but;couldnot help;couldnot help but;cound not help;driven to;got to;had got to;had got to do;had to详细»
不得不接待be stuck with详细»
不得人心fall into disfavor详细»
不得体的话dirty word详细»
不得发表的off the record详细»
不得已地against one''s will;under protest详细»
不得已而under the necessity of详细»
不得引用的off the record详细»
不得要领away from the point;away off the point;beside the point;miss the point详细»
不必介意never mind详细»
不必客气make oneself at home详细»
不必要地紧张get into a panic;got into a panic;gotten into a panic详细»
不必要的needless;neither here nor there;uncalled for;uncalledfor;unnecessary详细»
不必要的牺牲unnecessary sacrifices详细»
不必顾虑let it go详细»
不忠cheat on详细»
不念旧恶forgave and forget;forgive and forget;forgiven and forget详细»
不怀恶意的谎话white lie详细»
不怎么有效be of little avail详细»
不怎么需要had little use for;have little use for详细»
不怕危险front danger详细»
不怕麻烦地go out of the way to;gone out of way to详细»
不急于in no hurry详细»
不恭维not say much for详细»