
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第17页

专用码头specialized wharf详细»
专用税,专税专用objective tax详细»
专用货币付款贸易制[德国]Aski Trading System详细»
专用贷款earmarked loans详细»
专用资本财物,专用资本货物specialized capital goods详细»
专用黄金[为别国保管的黄金]earmarked gold详细»
专门基金specialty fund详细»
专门费special charges详细»
专门进口special imports详细»
专项存款cash in bank-special funds;special deposit详细»
专项材料资金special funds for materials;funds earmarked for materials详细»
专项贷款special-purpose loan;tied loan详细»
世界价格world market prices详细»
世界农产品贸易world agricultural trade详细»
世界出口贸易总额world''s total trade volume详细»
世界劳动平均生产率average labor productivity in the world详细»
世界商业world commerce详细»
世界市场价格world market price;world price详细»
世界市场参考价格reference world market price详细»
世界敏感商品价格指数Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices详细»
世界油输运价worldwide tanker nominal freight scale;world-scale rate;WS rate详细»
世界生产总值gross world product (GWP)详细»
世界直销协会联盟World Federation of Direct Selling Association详细»
世界纺织品市场world textile market详细»
世界能源供应world energy supplies详细»
世界著作权公约Universal Copyright Convention (UCC)详细»
世界贸易中心World Trade Center详细»
世界贸易总量quantum of world trade详细»
世界贸易组织World Trade Organization (WTO)详细»
世界通货world currency详细»