
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第111页

债权人的债权人creditor''s creditor详细»
债权人间关于清理债务的协议composition of creditors详细»
债权债务差额balance of indebtedness详细»
债权单据document embodying rights or claims详细»
债权受益人creditor beneficiary详细»
债权头寸creditor position详细»
债权抵押pledge of obligation详细»
债权证书document of obligation;title to debt详细»
债权资产的取得acquisition of claimable assets arising from loans详细»
债权转让cession of claim详细»
债款支出expenditure for loan payments详细»
债票bill of debts详细»
债项amount due详细»
倾销价格dumping price详细»
倾销差额,倾销差价dumping margin详细»
假冒palm off详细»
假冒伪劣商品sham and shoddy commodities;fake or poor quality commodities详细»
假冒商标counterfeit trademark详细»
假分录fictitious entry详细»
假定价值conditional cost详细»
假定值conditional value;assumption value;assumed value详细»
假定平价hypothetical par详细»
假定成本assumed cost;hypothetical cost详细»
假定的资产负债表suggested balance sheet详细»
假定税收presumptive taxation详细»
假定负债asserted liability详细»
假定起息日focal debt详细»
假投标dummy tendering详细»
假日奖金holiday premium pay详细»