
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第117页

免偿债务forgive a debt;exemption of debt;remit a debt;acquittance of a debt;debt relief;release of debt详细»
免征关税be exempt from custom duties;be duty-free详细»
免收利息free of interest详细»
免收费用no charge (NC)详细»
免税exemption of rates;exemption of taxes;exemption;tax exemption;immunity from taxation;duty free;free of tax;free of duty;tariff-free;exemption from duty;tax-free;zero rate of duty;derate;free from duty;exemption from taxation详细»
免税入境许可证permission for duty-free importation详细»
免税凭证duty free certificate详细»
免税分配额tax-free distribution详细»
免税区free zone详细»
免税品free article详细»
免税待遇的冻结zero-duty bindings详细»
免税投资tax-free investment详细»
免税收入,免税收益tax-exempt income;exempt income;tax-free income;nontaxable income详细»
免税期tax holidays详细»
免税津贴,免税宽减额tax-free allowance详细»
免税点exemption point详细»
免税证券利息interest on tax-free securities详细»
免税货物表,免税进口货单free list详细»
免税贸易区tax-free trade zone详细»
免税资产转让tax-free transfers详细»
免税赠与exempt gift详细»
免税进口货,免税输入品free imports;duty free imports详细»
免纳所得税free of income tax (FIT)详细»
免计资产inadmitted asset;inadmissible asset;non admitted assets详细»
免费分发的刊物complimentary copies详细»
免费发行nonpaid circulation详细»
免费赠送物品free goods offer详细»
免除债务forgiveness of debts;forgiveness of liabilities;discharge of debts;release from debt详细»