
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第129页

公正的仲裁人impartial arbitrator;unbiased arbitrator详细»
公正贸易论theory of just trade详细»
公法public law详细»
公用事业public utility;utility service;utility详细»
公用事业专用税[对房地产征收的]special assessment详细»
公用事业保证金deposit with public utility corporation详细»
公用事业偿债基金utility sinking fund详细»
公用事业公司股份,公用事业股票public utilities;public utility stocks;utilities详细»
公用事业局[美国]Bureau of Public Affairs详细»
公用事业支出public utility expenditure;utility expenditures详细»
公用事业税public utility tax;utility tax详细»
公用建筑经济study teams dealing with economic problems concerning public buildings in residential districts详细»
公用消费品public goods详细»
公益事业会计public utility accounting详细»
公益事业支出utility expenditures详细»
公益基金nonprofit foundation详细»
公益金public welfare funds;common funds set aside for welfare;welfare fund详细»
公私关系relations between the state and private sectors of the economy详细»
公私存款中活期存款周转率turnover of demand deposits among private and public deposits详细»
公积抵冲项目surplus charge详细»
公积金public accumulation fund;public reserve funds;common reserve funds;common accumulation fund;collective reserve fund;reserved fund;superannuation fund;accumulated fund详细»
公积金区分原则principle of surplus section详细»
公积金抵冲财产重估损失surplus charge property reappraisal详细»
公积金调整表reconciliation of surplus详细»
公立团体基金,公立基金public funds详细»
公职建筑师协会[美国]Association of Official Architects (AOA)详细»
公营企业government-operated business;government owned and operated business;government business enterprises;public enterprise;enterprises run by the government;government-operated enterprise;government business详细»