翻译 | 详细 |
公营企业津贴制subsidy system in public enterprises | 详细» |
公营企业职工代表会议congress of workers and staff in public enterprises | 详细» |
公营信托public trust | 详细» |
公营信托基金public trust fund | 详细» |
公营公司会计public corporation accounting | 详细» |
公营商店state store;stores run by the government | 详细» |
公营部门public sector | 详细» |
公认会计师协会Association of Certified Accountants | 详细» |
公认名牌产品recognized famous-brand products | 详细» |
公认外汇银行authorized foreign exchange bank | 详细» |
公认机关的损害证明书statement of damage by a certified agent for (transportation underwriters) | 详细» |
公认证券authorized security | 详细» |
公证书survey report | 详细» |
公证人出具的拒付证书notarial protest certificate | 详细» |
公证人的证实notarization | 详细» |
公证会计师certified public accountant | 详细» |
公证处notary office;notary public office | 详细» |
公证度量人sworn measurer and weigher | 详细» |
公证报告,公证验证报告independent inspection certificate;survey report | 详细» |
公证行surveyor;measurer | 详细» |
公证证书notarial deed;authentic act;notarial certificate;notarial document | 详细» |
公证费survey fee | 详细» |
公费at one''s public expense;professional fee;professional charges | 详细» |
公费医疗制度改革reform of free medical service system | 详细» |
公路使用税highway-user tax | 详细» |
公路养护highway maintenance | 详细» |
公路投资及支出highway investment and expenditure | 详细» |
公路收费闸口理论turnpike theorem | 详细» |
公路货运业road haulage industry | 详细» |
公路通车里程mileage in highway open to traffic;length of highways in operation | 详细» |