
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第38页

中央银行开出的票据bill drawn by the central bank详细»
中央银行的中央银行central bank of central banks详细»
中央银行的限制central bank restrictions详细»
中央银行贴现率bank rate of discount详细»
中央预算budget of the central government;central government budget详细»
中小企业银行medium business bank详细»
中小工商业者middle and small industrialists and merchants详细»
中心储备城市银行central reserve city bank详细»
中心平均价格centered average prices详细»
中心汇率对欧洲货币单位的比价central rate against ECU (European currency unit)详细»
中性利率neutral rate of interest;neutral run详细»
中性管制neutral control详细»
中性货币地位neutral currency position详细»
中性货币流量neutralizing monetary flows详细»
中断供货期限suspend delivery详细»
中日备忘录贸易China-Japan memorandum on trade详细»
中期债券[期限在一年以上,五年、七年或十年以下的债券]note;treasury note;medium-term bonds;term-bond详细»
中期多种货币放款medium-term multiple currency loans详细»
中期有息证券[美国财政部发行的]treasury certificate详细»
中期融资,中期资金筹措intermediate term financing详细»
中期财务报告interim financial reporting详细»
中期资本medium-term capital详细»
中期预算interim budget详细»
中标人winning bidder;highest bidder;successful bidder详细»
中栏分类帐center-ruled ledger详细»
中盘批发商service wholesaler详细»
中短期设备贷款short and medium-term equipment loans;medium or short-term loan for equipment详细»
中立的金融机构impartial financial institutions详细»
中立货币,中性货币neutral money详细»