
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第47页

事权控制财权authority which controls the enterprises and undertakings controls financial power详细»
二元产权形式form of a dualistic property right详细»
二十元的钞票double sawbuck详细»
二差异分析two variance analysis详细»
二次产品products of two-stage production;secondary product详细»
二率制two-rate system详细»
二箱制two-bin system详细»
二类商品second category of commodities详细»
二级产业secondary industry详细»
二级单位secondary unit详细»
二级市场secondary market详细»
二级抵押市场secondary mortgage market详细»
二级采购供应站second-level purchasing and supply station详细»
二者择一的订单alternative order;alternate order详细»
二重分类簿记体系dual classification bookkeeping system详细»
二重税double tariff详细»
于…年创建的银行the bank established in…;the bank founded in…;the bank set up in…详细»
亏损loss;deficit;losses incurred;deficiency;depletion;damage详细»
亏损分摊,亏损分担apportionment of loss;sharing of losses详细»
亏损弥补方案plans for making up losses详细»
亏损抵前loss carryback详细»
亏损比率loss ratio详细»
亏损移后纳税利益tax benefit of loss carryforward详细»
亏损转回退款refund by carrying a loss back to a prior year详细»
亏本lose money in business;lose one''s capital;at a loss详细»
亏本企业loss maker详细»
亏本出售的商品loss leader详细»
亏本销售selling at less than cost详细»
亏欠帐户deficit account详细»