
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第59页

产品领域product field详细»
产品验证规格书product verification specification详细»
产地作价farm-price method详细»
产地声明书declaration of origin详细»
产地损失country damage详细»
产地皮重original tare详细»
产地证明书A格式certificate of origin form A详细»
产地证明书费fee for certificate of origin详细»
产奶量milk yield详细»
产成品分类帐finished goods ledger详细»
产成品库存finished goods inventory详细»
产成品资金定额funds quota for finished products详细»
产权property rights;proprietary rights;industrial right;title详细»
产权会计accounting for equity详细»
产权公司property company详细»
产权净值法equity method;soak-up method详细»
产权分散diffusion of property rights详细»
产权合成synthesize property rights详细»
产权商品化commercialization of property rights详细»
产权所有人owner of title详细»
产权投资人equity investor详细»
产权抵押dry mortgage详细»
产权收入income from property rights详细»
产权登记registration of title;registration of property rights详细»
产权经营trading on equity详细»
产权规则property rights regulations详细»
产权证书certificate of title详细»
产权说明书abstract of title详细»
产权资本equity capital详细»
产权资本转让equity capital transaction详细»