
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第123页

任意装载条款optional stowage clause详细»
任意资金discretionary funds详细»
任期term of office详细»
任期目标管理制management by objectives during term of service详细»
任选条款optional clause详细»
任选港optional ports详细»
任选股利发付方法(在现金或股票中任选其一)optional dividend详细»
份地法(美国)Homestead Act详细»
份额制度quotient system详细»
份额政策tranche policy详细»
仿冒palming off;passing off详细»
仿射变换affine transformation详细»
仿形加工contour machining详细»
仿形铣法form milling method详细»
仿效机械手master-slave manipulator详细»
仿真模型simulation model详细»
仿造be modelled on;copy详细»
仿造外国机器copying foreign models;change-over to manufacture on imported models详细»
企业一般管理费overhead charges;overhead expenses;overhead详细»
企业上缴利润递增包干complete responsibility of profits increasingly turned over to the state by enterprises详细»
企业专业化联合specialization and combination of enterprise详细»
企业中人的因素human side of enterprises详细»
企业主收入entrepreneur''s income;enterprises'' profit详细»
企业亏损loss incurred in an enterprise详细»
企业产权转让论theory of transfer of property rights of enterprise详细»
企业代表团business mission详细»
企业会计enterprise accounting;business accounting;private accounting详细»
企业估价appraisal of business详细»
企业信托common-law trust详细»
企业倒闭business insolvency;business failure详细»