
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第124页

企业借入流动资金circulating funds borrowed by enterprises详细»
企业偿付能力business solvency详细»
企业全面整顿all-round consolidation of enterprises;overall consolidation of enterprises详细»
企业关、停、并、转close down,suspend operation,amalgamation with others or switching to the manufacture of other products of enterprises详细»
企业兼并enterprise merger;merger of enterprises详细»
企业内部存款deposits within the company详细»
企业内部筹资financing from internal reserves详细»
企业内部经济核算制economic calculation system within an enterprise;system of economic accounting within an enterprise详细»
企业内部董事inside director详细»
企业内部训练training within industry详细»
企业净收入enterprise net income详细»
企业分工division of labor among enterprises详细»
企业利润分析analysis of business profits详细»
企业利润总额gross profits of enterprises详细»
企业劳动组织labor organizations of enterprises详细»
企业化管理enterprise-style management详细»
企业升级enterprise upgrading详细»
企业单位的概念business entity concept详细»
企业危机business crisis详细»
企业发展business development详细»
企业变动的辩证过程dialectical process of change in enterprise详细»
企业史business history详细»
企业合同制contract system among enterprises;system of contracts between enterprises详细»
企业合并差益surplus from consolidation;profit from consolidation详细»
企业合并方针principle of consolidation详细»
企业合并时会计处理的购入法purchase method of accounting详细»
企业合并过程amalgamation process详细»
企业后勤,企业物资管理business logistics详细»