
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第120页

价格或工资自动调整条款escalation clause;escalator clause详细»
价格扭曲price distortion;distorted prices详细»
价格折扣制度list-and-discount pricing system;discount pricing system详细»
价格报价法price quotation system详细»
价格指数price index;price index number;index of prices详细»
价格指标price indicator详细»
价格接近close price详细»
价格支持计划price support scheme详细»
价格改革关键论theory of the price reform as the key详细»
价格政策price policy详细»
价格敏感性price sensitivity详细»
价格无弹性的总供给函数price inelastic aggregate supply function详细»
价格暴涨flare-up in prices;spurt in prices详细»
价格期望值price expectation详细»
价格术语terminology of price;terms of price详细»
价格机制的运转费用operational expenses of the price mechanism详细»
价格杠杆price leverage详细»
价格条款price clause详细»
价格构成中的利润额amount of profit in the composition of price详细»
价格标售,价格拍卖price auction详细»
价格标签,价目标签price tag详细»
价格欺骗price gouging详细»
价格歧视price discrimination详细»
价格水平price level详细»
价格波动fluctuation in prices详细»
价格浮动准备price fluctuation reserve详细»
价格涨落price fluctuations详细»
价格猛踢nose dive;break in the market详细»
价格的刚性,价格僵硬性price rigidity详细»