
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第47页

个量经济学individual economics详细»
中上等better than average详细»
中产阶级middle class;middle bourgeoisie详细»
中人佣金finder''s fees详细»
中介优越性superiority of an intermediary nature详细»
中介机构intermediary organs详细»
中介贸易intermediary trade详细»
中介银行intermediary bank详细»
中位区位原理median location principle详细»
中位投票人原理median voter theorem详细»
中位数值有效量median effective dose详细»
中位数年龄median age详细»
中位数无偏估计量median unbiased estimator详细»
中位数法,中值法median method详细»
中位数组median class详细»
中位构成的商品commodity of average composition详细»
中保保险公司Chung Pao Insurance Company详细»
中修periodic repair;medium repair;medium maintenance详细»
中值定理theorem of the mean详细»
中共中央农村工作部Rural Work Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party of China详细»
中农化substantial increase in the number of middle peasants详细»
中华人民共和国船舶检验局Register of Shipping of the People''s Republic of China详细»
中华版权代理总公司Chinese Copyright Agency Corporation详细»
中国世界经济学会All China Association of World Economic Research详细»
中国东方进出口公司East Import and Export Company of China,The详细»
中国乡村医生声像培训中心China''s Audio-Visual Training Center for Rural Doctors详细»
中国交通运输协会China Communications and Transportation Association详细»
中国人民保险公司People''s Insurance Company of China详细»
中国人民银行People''s Bank of China详细»