
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第54页

中断系统(计算机)interrupt system详细»
中方合营者Chinese party to a joint venture详细»
中日备忘录贸易China-Japan memorandum on trade详细»
中期信贷intermediate term credit;medium-term credit;medium-term lending详细»
中期债务medium-term debt;intermediate debt;medium-term liabilities详细»
中期多种货币放款medium-term multiple currency loans详细»
中期投资周期medium-term investment cycle详细»
中期有息证券(美国财政部发行的)treasury certificate详细»
中期欧洲贷款市场medium-term Eurocredit market详细»
中期经济展望medium-term economic outlook;medium-range economic outlook详细»
中期规划纲要medium-term outline plan详细»
中期设计阶段middle design phase详细»
中期贷款,中期放款extended facility;extended fund facility;medium-term loan;intermediate term credit详细»
中期资本medium-term capital详细»
中期预算interim budget详细»
中枢效应假设pivot effect hypothesis详细»
中枢要素pivot element详细»
中标人winning bidder;highest bidder;successful bidder详细»
中欧时间Central European Time;Mid-European Time详细»
中止合营企业termination of the joint venture详细»
中止营业wind up operation详细»
中波轮船股份公司Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Co.详细»
中港经济关系economic relations between Mainland China and Hong Kong详细»
中点出生率central birthrate详细»
中点法mid-point method详细»
中甲板main deck详细»
中短期专项贷款middle and short-term special loan详细»
中短期贷款short and intermediate term credit详细»
中程周期intermediate cycle详细»
中立国船free ship详细»