
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第52页

中央税、地方税、中央地方共享税taxes,rates and taxes shared by the state and local governments详细»
中央管制经济command-directed economy;command economy详细»
中央统一分配物资central unified allocation of materials详细»
中央统计局central statistical office详细»
中央综合资源centrally integrated resources详细»
中央计划central plan详细»
中央计划经济centrally planned economics;central planned economy详细»
中央设备central equipment详细»
中央证书服务central certificate service详细»
中央财政收入比重centrally controlled proportion of state revenue详细»
中央资料库central data bank详细»
中央金库central treasury详细»
中央银行业务central banking详细»
中央银行干预central bank intervention详细»
中央银行的中央银行central bank of central banks详细»
中央银行规定的强制性最低存款准备金额compulsory minimum reserve requirements详细»
中央银行贴现率政策bank-rate policy详细»
中央集权经济command-directed economy;command economy详细»
中央预算budget of the central government;central government budget详细»
中学人口教育population education in middle schools详细»
中学教材改革reform of middle school textbooks详细»
中小企业局(美国)Office of Minority Business Enterprises详细»
中小型企业基层单位small and medium-sized establishment详细»
中小学体育工作physical training work in middle and primary schools详细»
中小工商业者middle and small industrialists and merchants详细»
中层管理人员mid-level managerial详细»
中差插值法interpolation by central differences详细»
中常年median year详细»
中度开发intermediate in the scale of development详细»