
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第66页

乘数财务杠杆作用multiplier leverage详细»
乘法消去律cancellation law of multiplication详细»
乘积估计量product estimator详细»
乘积总和total sum of products详细»
乙级检验class B inspection详细»
九年制义务教育nine-year compulsory education详细»
也门中央银行 (北也门)Central Bank of Yemen详细»
也门国家银行 (南也门)National Bank of Yemen详细»
习惯价格customary price详细»
习惯保有财产customary tenure estates详细»
习惯商法custom of merchant详细»
习惯居所habitual residence;usual residence详细»
习惯快速装卸customary quick despatch (CQD)详细»
习惯持续性假设habit persistence hypothesis详细»
习惯法common law详细»
习惯法中的版权common law copyright详细»
习惯法的辩护common-law defenses详细»
习惯特征的测验test of customary characteristics详细»
习惯管理学派management by custom school详细»
习惯货币customary money详细»
习惯-创造需求函数habit-creation demand function详细»
乡村人口rural population详细»
乡村医生培训制度改革reform of rural doctor training system详细»
乡村国家rural country详细»
乡村家具cottage furniture详细»
乡村银行country bank详细»
乡镇企业“三就地”原则(就地取材,就地加工,就地销售)three on-the-spot principle of township and village enterprises,i.e.,procurement of raw materials,processing and marketing on the spot详细»
乡镇企业股份制shareholding system of township and village enterprises详细»
乡镇农民文化技术学校peasants'' educational technical school in a village or town详细»