
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第133页

企业股票enterprise shares详细»
企业能力的今后扩大future extension of an enterprise详细»
企业自动化程度automation level of enterprise详细»
企业自有流动资金revolving funds owned by enterprises themselves详细»
企业自治权autonomy of enterprise详细»
企业自销enterprise marketing its own products详细»
企业行为科学behavioral theory of the firm详细»
企业行政领导者enterprise executive;administrator of enterprise详细»
企业规模效应size effect详细»
企业规章制度enterprise regulations and rules;rules and regulations in enterprises详细»
企业设备business equipment详细»
企业设计能力enterprise designed capacity详细»
企业调整adjustment of enterprise详细»
企业调查索引business survey index详细»
企业财产business property详细»
企业财产税capital levy详细»
企业财务公开opening for business finance详细»
企业责任business accountability详细»
企业资产的流动性business liquidity详细»
企业资本帐户firm capital account详细»
企业资本,企业资金business capital;capital of enterprise详细»
企业资金分帐制度classified funds account system of enterprises详细»
企业跨国化enterprises become transnational详细»
企业选址理论location theory详细»
企业银行业务firm banking详细»
企业间信用interbusiness credit详细»
企业间差异firm-to-firm variation详细»
企业隶属关系authority an enterprise group is subordinated详细»
企业集体股collective shares详细»