
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第129页

份额制度quotient system详细»
份额政策tranche policy详细»
仿真模型simulation model详细»
仿造be modelled on;copy详细»
仿造外国机器copying foreign models;change-over to manufacture on imported models详细»
企业一般管理费overhead charges;overhead expenses;overhead详细»
企业上缴利润递增包干complete responsibility of profits increasingly turned over to the state by enterprises详细»
企业专业化specialization of an enterprise详细»
企业个体原则business entity principle详细»
企业为基本单位的自主联合劳动autonomous associated labor with enterprises as the basic unit详细»
企业主责任法employer''s liability act详细»
企业产权界区margin of an enterprise''s property rights详细»
企业人力business manpower详细»
企业价值enterprise value详细»
企业会计原则accounting principles for business enterprise;business accounting principles详细»
企业体制structure of business units详细»
企业倒闭挂黄牌yellow card for business bankruptcy;yellow card for business in danger of bankruptcy详细»
企业倒闭率business mortality rate详细»
企业债务enterprise debt详细»
企业全部费用outright cost of an enterprise详细»
企业公司enterprise-like corporation;business corporation;enterprise corporation详细»
企业关联分析interindustrial relations analysis详细»
企业内教育education within enterprises详细»
企业内部待工制waiting for employment within an enterprise详细»
企业内部经济合同economic contracts within an enterprise详细»
企业内部经济责任制economic responsibility system within an enterprise;system of the economic responsibilities within an enterprise详细»
企业内部计划结算internal pricing settlement详细»
企业决策enterprise decision详细»