翻译 | 详细 |
不可流通的nonnegotiable | 详细» |
不可消费的产品unconsumable products | 详细» |
不可税资产inadmissible assets | 详细» |
不可累积定期循环信用证,不可累积使用的循环信用证revolving noncumulativeletter of credit;noncumulative revolving letter of credit | 详细» |
不可见供应invisible supply | 详细» |
不可让与的权利inalienable right | 详细» |
不可调换的债券nonrefundable bonds | 详细» |
不可赎债券noncallable bonds | 详细» |
不可转售证券,不能出售的证券nonmarketable securities | 详细» |
不可转让信用证nontransferable letter of credit;unassignable letterof credit | 详细» |
不可转让抄本nonnegotiable copy (NNC) | 详细» |
不可转让提单副本,不能提货的提单副本nonnegotiable copy bill of lading | 详细» |
不可转让的单据nonnegotiable document | 详细» |
不可转让的票据,不可转让信用工具nonnegotiable instrument | 详细» |
不可转让的证券,不上市的证券nonnegotiable securities | 详细» |
不可达稳定点inaccessible stationary point | 详细» |
不可追溯的资金供应back financing | 详细» |
不可适用not applicable (NA) | 详细» |
不可通约性incommensurability | 详细» |
不可逾越商品生产阶段cannot skip over the stage of developing commodityproduction;stage that can not be bypassed in economic development | 详细» |
不可避免的事故inevitable accident | 详细» |
不可靠值dubious value | 详细» |
不可靠的[股票]blue-sky;unreliable;wildcat | 详细» |
不可预见费用unforeseen expense | 详细» |
不合并列帐的子公司或附属企业unconsolidated subsidiary | 详细» |
不合并计算的投资unconsolidated investment | 详细» |
不合格rejection;subquality;disqualification | 详细» |
不合格产品subquality product;nonqualified product;nonconforming product;unacceptable product;unsatisfactory product;unqualified product;disqualifiedproduct | 详细» |
不合格商业票证ineligible commercial paper | 详细» |
不合格的工程inadequate works | 详细» |