翻译 | 详细 |
不能接受的期限unacceptable term | 详细» |
不能控制的成本uncontrollable costs | 详细» |
不能提前偿还的条件uncallable condition | 详细» |
不能提货的提单副本nonnegotiable copy of bill of lading | 详细» |
不能撤销的无追索权的信用证irrevocable drawn without recourse letter of credit | 详细» |
不能改动impossibility of introducing changes | 详细» |
不能没有的条件nonforfeiture contion | 详细» |
不能确定地点的损坏nonlocalized damage | 详细» |
不能自由兑换的货币inconvertible currency;nonconvertible currency;soft currency | 详细» |
不能计量的收入unquantifiable benefits | 详细» |
不能贴现的票据nondiscountable bill | 详细» |
不能转换的契约inconvertible paper | 详细» |
不能转让nonnegotiable | 详细» |
不能预料的事件unforeseeable event | 详细» |
不自主关税nonautonomous tariff | 详细» |
不自由变异,不自由变差unfree variation | 详细» |
不良包装defective packing | 详细» |
不良品统计defects statistics | 详细» |
不良票据bad paper | 详细» |
不要式合同informal contract | 详细» |
不规则变动irregular variation;erratic variation;irregular fluctuation | 详细» |
不规则短期波动irregular short-term fluctuations | 详细» |
不规定用途的援助free aid | 详细» |
不计养恤金的服务期间nonpensionable service | 详细» |
不计列应税所得额exclusion from taxable income | 详细» |
不计利息free of interest;bearing no interest | 详细» |
不计报酬without consideration of salary;irrespective of pay | 详细» |
不认付nonacceptance | 详细» |
不记名债券bearer bond;blank bond;unregistered bond | 详细» |
不记名委托书blank power of attorney | 详细» |