
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第40页

严密监督close supervision详细»
严格不等式strict inequality详细»
严格平稳数列strict-sense stationary series详细»
严格按需求购买purchasing strictly by requirement详细»
严格检验close inspection;tightened inspection详细»
严格温度控制rigid temperature control详细»
严格的质量检查制度tight quality control procedure详细»
严格节约rigid economy详细»
严格误差界限rigorous error limits详细»
严格遵守合同条款strict performance of contract详细»
严重亏损heavy losses详细»
严重失业时期heavy unemployment period详细»
严重缺货时的市价famine price详细»
严重衰退slump of disastrous proportions详细»
严重违法的私人工商户private industrial and commercial units that break the law on a serious scale详细»
丧失劳动力lose one''s ability to work;be disabled;be incapacitated;be rendered unfit for physical labor详细»
丧失劳动能力的低能人口incapacitated and mentally deficient persons详细»
丧失工作能力赔偿费disability benefit详细»
丧失的利益benefit forgone详细»
丧葬及遗产管理费funeral and administration expenses详细»
个人与家庭遭到意外经济困难时的保障protection of individual and families against economic hazards详细»
个人事故保险单personal accident policy详细»
个人人身意外伤害保险,个人伤害保险personal accident insurance详细»
个人价值individual value详细»
个人企业收入personal income from incorporated enterprises详细»
个人信托personal trust详细»
个人借债personal debt详细»
个人储蓄率savings rate of persons详细»
个人决策personal policy-making;individual decision详细»