
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第86页

互补事件的概率probability of complementary events详细»
互补外销complementary exporting详细»
互补经济结构complementary economic structure详细»
互让贸易give-and-take trade详细»
互购,互换采购counterpurchase;parallel deals;reciprocal buying详细»
五三保全工作法[纺织]advanced maintenance method summed up in 1953详细»
五份(联)in five copies;in quintuplicate详细»
五十元股票half stock详细»
五地套利five-point arbitrage详细»
五大教育five kinds of higher education,i.e.,broadcasting and television university education,workers'' university education,workers'' spare-time university education,evening university education,and correspondence university education详细»
五小工业five small industrial enterprises (producing iron and steel,coal,chemical fertilizer,cement and machinery);"five smalls:" iron and steel chemical fertilizer,cement,coal pits and machinery详细»
五年计划(China''s) Five-Year Plans详细»
五点分析,五点检验five-point assay详细»
五金市场metal market详细»
五金股份公司[德国]Metallgesellschaft AG详细»
井内罢工[矿工]stay-down strike详细»
井场管理费field overhead详细»
井头价格wellhead price详细»
井底样品[石油]bottom-hole samples详细»
井底车场[采矿]shaft station详细»
井筒隔间shaft compartment详细»
亚利桑那峡谷国民银行[美国] Valley National Bank of Arizona详细»
亚太地区国际贸易博览会Asia Pacific International Trade Fair详细»
亚洲内部清算中心Clearing Center for Intra-Asia详细»
亚洲及太平洋农村综合发展中心Center of Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific详细»
亚洲及远东经济委员会Economic Commission for Asia and Far East (ECAFE)详细»
亚洲大米贸易基金Asian Rice Trade Fund详细»
亚洲工业发展理事会Asian Industrial Development Council (AIDC)详细»