
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第83页

二级趋势secondary trend详细»
二级采购供应站second-level purchasing and supply station详细»
二维向量多项式分布bivector multinomial distribution详细»
二维方格two-dimensional square lattice详细»
二维正态分布,二元常态分布two-dimensional normal distribution详细»
二维系统等距抽样systematic sampling in two dimensions详细»
二维随机过程bivariate stochastic process详细»
二者择一的订单alternative order;alternate order详细»
二进制数binary number;dyadic number详细»
二进制计算机arithmetic binary computer;binary computer详细»
二道操作second-operation work详细»
二重制[政府会计的]dual system详细»
二项分布平均值mean of binomial distribution详细»
二项分布直方图histogram of binomial distribution详细»
二项变量binomial variable详细»
二项式检验binomial test详细»
二项等待时间分布binomial waiting time distribution详细»
二项频数表double frequency table详细»
于齐诺尔-瓦鲁勒支公司[法国] Usinor Vallourec详细»
亏损loss;deficit;losses incurred;deficiency;depletion;damage详细»
亏损分摊,亏损分担apportionment of loss;sharing of losses详细»
亏损单位deficit units详细»
亏损实现realization of loss详细»
亏损总额total loss详细»
亏损结转carry-over of losses详细»
亏损补偿准备reserve for losses详细»
亏损转回退款refund by carrying a loss back to a prior year详细»
亏损额amount of loss详细»
亏本交易bad bargain详细»
亏本出售,亏本卖出sell at a sacrifice;sacrifice sale;sell at a loss;barter away详细»