翻译 | 详细 |
不能使自己适应fail to adapt itself to | 详细» |
不能偃卧inability to flat | 详细» |
不能入睡hardly fall asleep | 详细» |
不能切除的irremovable | 详细» |
不能吃东西with inability to take food | 详细» |
不能容忍的unbearable | 详细» |
不能忍受的intolerable | 详细» |
不能按期闭合The fontanels widen with delayed closing | 详细» |
不能旬fixatin of the eyes;fixation of the eyes;staring eye with difficulty in movement | 详细» |
不能的unable | 详细» |
不能繁殖的sterile | 详细» |
不能自主loss of self-control | 详细» |
不能语言inability to speak | 详细» |
不能遏制的unquenchable | 详细» |
不致死的nonlethal | 详细» |
不舒depression | 详细» |
不舒服indisposition | 详细» |
不舒适discomfort;unease | 详细» |
不良习惯unhealthy habit | 详细» |
不良后果the harmful consequence | 详细» |
不良情绪harmful feelings | 详细» |
不良的情志刺激harmful emotinal irritations;harmful emotionalirritations | 详细» |
不良角化dyskeratosis | 详细» |
不药principal | 详细» |
不药自愈spontaneous recovery from a disease | 详细» |
不要随地吐痰no spitting | 详细» |
不规则irregularity | 详细» |
不规则地abnormally | 详细» |
不规则热irregular fever | 详细» |
不规则间歇irregular intermittence | 详细» |