
专利专业汉英词典 专利专业英语词典 专利英语词典 专利英语词汇 专利专业词典 专利英语专业词典

专利专业汉英词典 第75页

以堆栈的方式传送delivery in stacks详细?
以外周运动的抛光轮buffing wheel acting by its periphery详细?
以太/乙醚的配制preparation of ether详细?
以字符形式打印记录载体——磁带上的数据printing of data of a record carrier,magnetic tape in the shape of characters详细?
以字符形式解释、打印字符数据interpreting,printing-out of data of a character in the shape of characters详细?
以带有三硝基苯酚的碱或碱土的硝酸盐为基础制成的炸药成分explosive compositions based on alkali or alkaline earth nitrates with picric acid详细?
以带有硝化纤维的硝酸铵为基础的爆炸成分explosive compositions based on ammonium nitrate with nitrocellulose详细?
以方便连接for facilitating connection详细?
以晶体结构为特点的半导体装置semiconductor device characterised by the crystalline structure详细?
以机械方式从动物纤维除去不纯物质REMOVING impurities from animal fibres mechanically详细?
以枢轴们插销作为锁定方式的锁lock with a pivoted latch as locking means详细?
以次声为载体的通讯系统communication system with infrasound as carrier详细?
以欧姆测定的-电阻加热ohmic-resistance heating详细?
以气体、液体的形式运送散装原料conveying of bulk materials by means of gas,liquid详细?
以气态搬运微小物质conveying of unit material by means of gas详细?
以氯丁基橡胶为基质based on chlorobutyl rubber详细?
以沉降方式分离separation by means of sedimentation详细?
以淀粉或其衍生物为基础的成分compositions based on STARCH or derivatives thereof详细?
以混杂物的分类为特征的半导体设备semiconductor device characterised by the distribution of impurities详细?
以激光束作载体的通讯系统communication system with laser beams as carrier详细?
以热水作为空间加热的区域供暖district heating with hot water as space heating详细?
以特殊效果为基础based on particular effect详细?
以玻璃为基础based on glass详细?
以短裂方式使井互连interconnecting wells by fracturing详细?
以砷作为催化剂的铝硅酸盐沸石aluminosilicatezeolites with arsenic as catalyst详细?
以硝化甘油为基础的爆炸成分explosive compositions based on nitroglycerine详细?
以硝基烷为基础的爆炸成分explosive compositions based on nitro-paraffins详细?
以硼化物,碳化物,氮化物,氧化物,硅化物作为硬金属,质量含量超过50%borides,carbides,nitrides,oxides,silicides as hard metal of more than 50% by weight详细?
以碱或带有硝化甘油的碱土硝酸盐为基础的爆炸成分explosive compositions based on alkali or alkaline earth nitrates with nitroglycerine详细?
以磷酸盐为基础的肥料fertilisers based on phosphatic SLAG详细?