
专利专业汉英词典 专利专业英语词典 专利英语词典 专利英语词汇 专利专业词典 专利英语专业词典

专利专业汉英词典 第73页

从芳族乙烯化合物提取的人造纤维artificial fibre from polymers of vinylaromatic compounds详细?
从苔藓中获取植物纤维obtaining vegetable fibres from moss详细?
从蒸汽机装置from steam engine plants详细?
从蒸汽机设备再产生蒸汽regenerating of steam from steam engine plants详细?
从蔬菜种子中提取蛋白质obtaining protein from vegetable seeds详细?
从蛋中获得蛋白质obtaining protein from eggs详细?
从表面取得applying to surfaces详细?
从视频信号分离separation from video signal详细?
从调幅从一个载波转到另一个上TRANSFER(S) of from one carrier wave to another详细?
从路轨除去雪removing snow from railway tracks详细?
从车辆from the vehicle详细?
从载体from vehicle详细?
从过滤器上去除气体removal of gas from filters详细?
从连续数据载波熔合选择的数据merging sorted data from continuous data carriers详细?
从退绕机中分离没用的棉网separating the expiring web in unwinding machines详细?
从道路除去垃圾removing REFUSE from roadways详细?
从酒精和羧酸类获得的碳酸酯carboxylic acid esters from alcohols and carboxylic acids详细?
从金属有机的化合物生成的胺amines from metallo-organic compounds详细?
从铁路或电车轨道除去雪removing SNOW from railway or tramway tracks详细?
从铁路车辆进行操作operating from the rail vehicle详细?
从铅中隔离金属separating metals from lead详细?
从锁上拿开removing of locks stuck in the lock详细?
从隔焰炉炉渣中提取锌obtaining zinc from muffle furnace residues详细?
从雪获得水obtaining water from snow详细?
从顶端清空的打磨切割机(顶端卸货机)milling cutter for emptying from the top (top unloader)详细?
从飞机上投下以进行海上救援dropping off from aeroplane for sea rescue详细?
从飞机里降落dropping off from aeroplane详细?
从食物不需要的removal of unwanted removals from foods详细?
从马达冷却空气加热heating from motor cooling-air详细?
从骨头获取蛋白质obtaining protein from bones详细?