
专利专业汉英词典 专利专业英语词典 专利英语词典 专利英语词汇 专利专业词典 专利英语专业词典

专利专业汉英词典 第71页

从水中打捞飞机recovering aircraft from the water详细?
从水沟(槽)中from gutters详细?
从水运船卸下垃圾discharging REFUSE from waterborne vessels详细?
从污水分离油质separating oily substances from SEWAGE详细?
从泥炭中制取的肥料fertilizers from peat详细?
从洗涤液from cleaning solution详细?
从活动物身上剪掉羊毛SHEARING of fleece from live animals详细?
从液体from liquids详细?
从液体到汽、物态变化from liquid to vapour,change of state详细?
从深井回收油oil recovery from deep wells详细?
从混凝土、粘土的预制构件from preformed elements of concrete,clay详细?
从湿气获得水分obtaining water from air humidity详细?
从溶渣生产物品producing articles from molten SLAG详细?
从漏斗补给陆地车辆feeding land vehicles from funnels详细?
从灰坑中除灰ash removal from ash pit详细?
从烟草除去烟碱或致癌物质removing nicotine or carcinogens from TOBACCO详细?
从烧制磷肥获取的烧制磷肥calcined phosphate from calcined phosphate详细?
从焦油获取芳烃馏分winning of aromatic fractions from tar详细?
从熔炉去渣removing SLAG from furnaces详细?
从燃烧室去除removing from combustion chambers详细?
从环脂族的环from cycloaliphatic rings详细?
从球茎中提取的胶凝剂或增稠剂gelling agents or thickening agents from corms详细?
从瓶子除去塞子removing STOPPERS from bottles详细?
从电力设备到转子from power plant to rotors详细?
从电极处分离separation from the electrodes详细?
从电线或电缆除去雪removing SNOW from electric lines or cables详细?
从电缆重新利用材料salvaging material from cables详细?
从病毒中from viruses详细?
从皮肤获取蛋白质obtaining protein from skin详细?
从皮革获取蛋白质obtaining protein from leather详细?