
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业英汉词典 第15页

act in self-defense自卫行为详细»
act in violation of the administrative order违反行政管理秩序的行为详细»
act inter vivos生前行为详细»
act meaningless in law法律上无意义的行为详细»
act of abducting a child诱拐儿童行为详细»
act of acceptance接收行为 ,接受行为详细»
act of accepting for honor参加承兑行为详细»
act of administration行政行为详细»
act of altering business license of financial operations变造经营金融业务许可证行为详细»
act of altering currency变造货币行为详细»
act of altering national currency变造国家货币行为详细»
act of appointing civil officials任官行为 ,任用行为详细»
act of appropriating据为己有的行为详细»
act of armed forces武装力量行为详细»
act of assignment转让行为详细»
act of authority权力行为详细»
act of authorizing the power to impose penalties授权处罚的行为详细»
act of bending the law to serve one''s friends and relatives徇私枉法行为详细»
Act of Brussls Conference布鲁塞尔会议议定书详细»
act of carrying off a woman by fraud诱拐妇女行为详细»
act of cheating others out of letter of credit骗取信用证的行为详细»
act of civil litigation民事诉讼行为详细»
act of communicating an offer要约行为详细»
act of conceal postal materials隐匿邮件、电报行为详细»
act of concealing criminal evidence隐匿罪证行为详细»
act of consequence结果行为详细»
act of conveyance转让行为详细»
act of court法院备忘录详细»
act of delegating other organs to impose penalties委托处罚的行为详细»
act of denunciation废约行为 ,谴责行为详细»