
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业英汉词典 第53页

business operator企业经营者详细»
case law案例法 ,判例法详细»
case law system判例法系 ,判例法制度详细»
case mortality rate病死率详细»
case number件号详细»
case of abducting and trafficking people拐卖人口案件详细»
case of administrative compensation行政赔偿案件详细»
case of appeal by the private prosecutor自述人上诉的案件详细»
case of bankruptcy liquidation破产还债案件详细»
case of compensation trade dispute补偿贸易纠纷案件详细»
case of criminal appeal刑事申诉案件详细»
case of cutting and stealing telecom lines for military purporses盗割军用通信线路案件详细»
case of damages for marine casualties concerning foreign interests涉外海上人身伤亡损害赔偿案件详细»
case of death sentence with a two-year reprieve死缓案件详细»
case of declaring a citizen''s disappearance宣告公民失踪案件详细»
case of dereliction of duty渎职犯罪案件详细»
case of doing harm to peasants坑农害农案件详细»
case of embezzling funds and articles for disaster relief挪用救灾、抢险等款物案详细»
case of entraping peasants坑农害农案件详细»
case of espionage and sedition危害国家安全案件详细»
case of false transmission of military orders假传军令案详细»
case of family dissension家庭案件详细»
case of first impression初见案件 ,无先例案件详细»
case of first trial原审案件详细»
change of circumstances情况变更详细»
change of full name姓名的变更详细»
change of name更换姓名详细»
change of ownership改变所有权 ,所有权的变更详细»
change of parties当事人的更换详细»
change of purposes of a legal person法人目的的变更详细»