
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业英汉词典 第56页

country in which the arrest is made扣船国家详细»
country market trade农村集市贸易详细»
country of capital export资本输出国详细»
country of departure出发国 ,启运国详细»
country of destination到达国 ,寄达国,目的地国家详细»
country of dispatch启运国详细»
country of exportation出口国详细»
country of immigration移入国详细»
country of multinationalities多民族国家详细»
country of origin出产国 ,寄出国,来源国,起源国,原产国详细»
crime of illegal escape from the scene of traffic accident不法逃离交通肇祸现场罪详细»
crime of illegal fund raising by fraudulent means集资诈骗罪详细»
crime of illegal growing of drug-plants非法种植毒品原植物罪详细»
crime of illegal pooling of savings deposits非法吸收存款罪详细»
crime of illegal provision of state secrets非法提供国家秘密罪详细»
crime of illegal trading in firearms,ammunition or explosives非法买卖枪支、弹药、爆炸物罪详细»
crime of illegally chopping down trees盗伐林木罪详细»
crime of illegally excavating and robbing ancient cultural relics or ancient tombs盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬罪详细»
crime of illegally letting another cross the national boundary军人私放他人偷越国(边)境罪详细»
crime of illegally trading in foreign exchanges套汇罪详细»
crime of impairing water conservancy破坏水利罪详细»
crime of impossibility不能未遂详细»
crime of incitement to disaffection煽动叛逆罪详细»
crime of inciting riot煽动暴乱罪详细»
crime of indecency in official services公务猥亵罪详细»
crime of inducing foreign aggression诱致外患罪详细»
crime of infringement upon the customs and habits of minority nationalities侵犯少数民族风俗习惯罪详细»
crime of instigating mutiny策动叛变罪详细»
crime of insulting another侮辱罪详细»
decontrol of foreign exchanges解除外汇管制详细»