
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第151页

免予起诉决定书decision of exemption from prosecution;decision to exempt from prosecution详细?
免予追索sans recourse;without recourse详细?
免于恐惧的自由freedom from fear详细?
免于破产be exempt from bankruptcy;keep afloat;exemption from bankruptcy;exemption in bankruptcy proceedings详细?
免于送达dispensing with service详细?
免付所得税free of income tax详细?
免冠相片bareheaded photo;hatless photo详细?
免刑判决sentence of exemption from punishment详细?
免受拿捕free from capture and seizure;immune from capture详细?
免坐律rules on the exemption of punishment for being related to or friendly with a convict in ancient China详细?
免役地租quit rent;quitrent详细?
免征关税exemption from customs duties详细?
免征进口各税relief from import duties and taxes详细?
免息bearing no interest;free of interest;interest-free详细?
免损限度stop loss详细?
免服兵役be exempt from military service详细?
免疫immunity;immunity from diseases详细?
免租free of ground rent详细?
免税债券non-taxable security;tax-exempt bond详细?
免税区free perimeter;free zone详细?
免税品duty-free goods;free commodities;free goods详细?
免税品进口报关单entry for free goods;entry of free goods详细?
免税商店duty-free shop;bond shop详细?
免税执照duty-free license详细?
免税方法method of tax exemption;tax exemption method详细?
免税物品duty-free goods;free goods;duty-free articles详细?
免税证券tax-exempt securities详细?