
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第153页

免除违约责任be exempted from liabilities for breach of contract详细?
免除部分违约责任part exemption from liabilities for breach of contract详细?
免验exemption from customs examination;exempt from inspection详细?
兑换券foreign exchange certificate详细?
兑换率exchange rate;rate of conversion;redemption rate详细?
兑换选择权conversion option详细?
兑现cash;cash in详细?
party;the Communist Party of China;the Party详细?
党内政治生活guiding principles for inner-party political life详细?
党内纪律处分disciplinary punishment within the party详细?
党外人士non-Party personages;public figures outside the Party详细?
党委书记secretary of the Party committee详细?
党委委员member of the Party committee详细?
党委领导下的厂长负责制system of which the factory director assumes full responsibility under the leadership of the Party Committee详细?
党政分开separate the functions of the Party from those of the government;separation of the functions of the Party and the government详细?
党政机关Party and government organizations详细?
党的纪律检查委员会the Party commission of discipline inspection详细?
党籍party membership详细?
党纪国法discipline of the Party and the laws of the State详细?
兜捕round up;surround and seize详细?
兜揽词讼try to get lawsuits as a huckster详细?
入伍enlist in the armed forces;join the army;join up;enlistment in the army;induction详细?
入侵intrude;invade;make an incursion;intrusion;invasion详细?
入侵地区invaded area详细?
入出境管理entry and exit control详细?
入出境通行证entry-exit pass详细?
入口港货栈价ex importation dock price详细?