
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第156页

全国委员会national commission;national committee详细?
全国性联合会national union详细?
全失业者wholly unemployed详细?
全套正本full set of originals详细?
全局利益general interest;interest of the whole详细?
全损total loss详细?
全损赔偿free from all average详细?
全数检查one hundred percent inspection详细?
全权代理人empowered person;universal agent详细?
全权代表plenipotentiary;plenipotentiary representative详细?
全权代表权jus representationis详细?
全权公使envoy plenipotentiary;minister plenipotentiary详细?
全权处理sole discretion详细?
全权托管discretionary trust详细?
全权管辖unlimited jurisdiction详细?
全权证书certificate of full powers;credentials;full powers;plenipotentiary credentials详细?
全权证书审查委员会credentials committee详细?
全民all the people;the entire people;the whole people详细?
全民国家state of the whole people详细?
全民所有制企业enterprise owned by the whole people详细?
全民所有制企业法人corporation owned by the whole people;legal entity of state-owned enterprise;legal person of an enterprise owned by the whole people详细?
全民所有制单位danwei owned by the whole people;unit owned by the whole people详细?
全民所有制工业企业industrial enterprise owned by the whole people;state-owned industrial enterprise详细?
全民所有制工业企业条例regulations governing industrial enterprises owned by the whole people详细?
全民所有制工业企业租赁经营制leased operation system of state-owned industrial enterprise详细?
全民投票referendum;vote of the whole people详细?
全民法人corporation of the whole people;legal entity of the whole people;legal person of the whole people详细?
全法院tota curia详细?