
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第186页

军事费用military charge详细»
军事边区military boundary zone详细»
军事运输military transport详细»
军事运输计划military transportation program详细»
军事通行证military pass详细»
军事需要military necessity;necessity of war详细»
军人armymen;servicemen;soldier;martial;military personnel详细»
军人代表会议soldiers'' congress详细»
军人优待制度preferential treatment system for servicemen详细»
军人优抚管理management of allowance for servicemen and their family dependents详细»
军人偷越国境外逃罪crime of secretly crossing the national boundary or borderline to abscond abroad详细»
军人委员会soldiers'' committee详细»
军人家属armymen''s families;soldier''s dependents;soldier''s family members;family of military personnel;military dependents详细»
军人战场投敌罪crime of defection to the enemy in battlefields详细»
军人战时造谣惑众罪crime of fabrication of rumors to mislead people in combat situation详细»
军人掠夺、残害战区无辜居民罪crime of pillage;cruelly injuring or slaughtering;against population in area of military operations详细»
军人权益rights and interests of servicemen详细»
军人死亡抚恤制度pension system of dead servicemen详细»
军人玩忽职守罪crime of neglect of duty in military service详细»
军人盗窃军用物资罪crime of stealing military goods详细»
军人破坏军事设施罪crime of intentional destruction of military installations详细»
军人私放他人偷越国(边)境罪crime of illegally letting another cross the national boundary详细»
军人虐待、迫害部属罪crime of abuse or persecution of subordinates by the superior详细»
军人谎报军情罪crime of making a false report about military situation详细»
军人违抗作战命令罪crime of resistance to the order to fight详细»
军人遗嘱military testament;soldier''s will详细»
军人遗弃伤员罪crime of abandonment of the wounded详细»
军令military order详细»
军使bearer of flag of truce;flag-bearer;truce bearer详细»
军兵种categories of troops详细»