
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第191页

农民企业家farmer-turned entrepreneur详细»
农民股份合作企业rural stockholding cooperative enterprise详细»
农牧税farming and animal husbandry tax详细»
农田利害条约ordinances on farmland water conservancy adopted in the Song Dynasty详细»
农电管理management of power for agricultural use详细»
农药安全使用规定safety provisions for the use of pesticides详细»
农药污染防治法law on the prevention of pesticide pollution详细»
农药管理法pesticide control law详细»
农转非change from agricultural to non-agricultural status in household registration详细»
冤假错案unjust;framed-up and wrong cases详细»
冤枉treat unjustly;wrong详细»
冤狱unjust case;wronged case详细»
冤狱赔偿法law of compensation for unjust detentions and convictions详细»
冬运communications and transportations in winter详细»
冰封区域ice covered area详细»
冲动性精神病impulsive insanity详细»
冲抵制credit system详细»
冲突一方party in conflict;party to the conflict详细»
冲突国conflicting power;power in conflict详细»
冲突型漏洞conflicting gap详细»
冲突当事者party in conflict详细»
冲突法conflict of laws;law of the conflict of laws;rules of conflicts详细»
冲突法规conflict rules;conflict of rules详细»
冲突规范连接点connecting joints of rules of conflict详细»
冲突论conflict theory详细»
冲突调节conflict regulation and control详细»
决事比exemplary cases of judgment in feudal China详细»
决定书written decision;instrument of intermediate order详细»
决定因素decisive factor;determinant详细»