
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第33页

不倾式搅拌机fixed mixer详细»
不假定it be not assumed that;it can not be assumed that;it may not be assumed that;it must not be assumed that;it should not be assumed that;it will not be assumed that;it would not be assumed that详细»
不假设it be not hypothesized that;it can not be hypothesized that;it may not be hypothesized that;it must not be hypothesized that;it should not be hypothesized that;it will not be hypothesized that;it would not be hypothesized that详细»
不偏不倚地without fear or favor;without fear or favour详细»
不停地on and on;on end;right along;without cease;without stop详细»
不停地叹息sigh away详细»
不停地唠叨babble on about详细»
不停地喝drink away详细»
不停地对...抱怨nag at详细»
不停地性交bang away详细»
不停地抱怨nag about详细»
不停地搅动churn away详细»
不停地胡说八道drivel on详细»
不停地责骂be at;be on at详细»
不停地闲聊chat away;chatter on详细»
不停顿地without a break详细»
不像not so as;otherwise than详细»
不允许close against;not allowable;will not hear of详细»
不允许在...方面干tolerate on详细»
不光荣地死去die dunghill;died dunghill详细»
不兑现的支票dishonoured cheque详细»
不全是not exactly详细»
不公平的待遇the dirty end of the stick;the short end of the stick;the wrong end of the stick详细»
不关心be careless about;be careless of;feel no anxiety about;for all one cares;go beyond caring;go past caring;let slide;not be bothered with;show indifference towards;unconcern;uncouplingnconcern;unmindful of详细»
不兴fall into desuetude详细»