
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第34页

不再为...所占有lost to详细»
不再亏空get out of the red详细»
不再使用be out of use;leave off详细»
不再参与wash her hands of;wash his hands of;wash my hands of;wash our hands of;wash their hands of;wash your hands of详细»
不再受控制take charge详细»
不再喜欢have no further use for详细»
不再存在go out of extistence详细»
不再想了be over and done with详细»
不再成为cease to be详细»
不再是cease to be详细»
不再有名望had had it详细»
不再烦扰off her back;off his back;off my back;off our back;off their back;off your back详细»
不再由...负责掌管be out of one''s hands详细»
不再由他负责掌管be out of his hands详细»
不再由她负责掌管be out of her hands详细»
不再由我负责掌管be out of my hands详细»
不再管wash her hands of;wash his hands of;wash my hands of;wash our hands of;wash their hands of;wash your hands of详细»
不再考虑cast to the winds;clean the slate;fling to the winds;throw to the winds详细»
不再被使用gone out of service;gone out of use;went out of service详细»
不再被忽视come in from the cold详细»
不再谈这事let it go at that详细»
不再过度热情gonne off the boil;went off the boil详细»
不再重要recede into the background;recede into theba bkground详细»
不冒险play it safe;play safe详细»
不冰冻混合物non-freezing mixture〔名词〕详细»
不冰封水中推进器实验propeller experiment in open water〔名词〕详细»
不冲洗的non washed详细»
不冻混合剂non-freezing mixture〔名词〕详细»
不冻的ice free;non freezing详细»