
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第65页

不答应non acceptance详细»
不算太好be nothing to shout about详细»
不管despite of;for aught i care;for aught i know;forget about;goneo hang;in despite of;in spite of;in the teeth of;left alone;let ride;neglectful of;regardless of;whether or not;without reference to详细»
不管为什么no matter why详细»
不管发生什么事come what may;come what will详细»
不管可能发生什么事whatever may happen详细»
不管多少no matter how much详细»
不管怎么样for better for worse详细»
不管我是否愿意nill he will he;nill i will i;nill ye will ye详细»
不管生什么事whatever happens详细»
不管闲事peddle her papers;peddle his papers;peddle my papers;peddle our papers;peddle their papers;peddle your papers详细»
不粘聚的non coherent;non cohesive详细»
不紧张loosen up详细»
不经审查就批准rubber stamp详细»
不经解释without explanation详细»
不结盟non align详细»
不给予refuse to详细»
不给太阳晒keep out of the sun详细»
不绝缘的not indulated详细»
不置可否pass without remart详细»
不翼而飞take to itself;take to itself wings;take wings to itself;taken to itself wings;taken wings to itself;took to itself wings;took wings to itself详细»
不老实说it may not be admitted that详细»
不耐冲击的shock sensitive详细»
不耐烦地等待weary for详细»
不耐烦地靡时间twiddle his thumbs;twiddle my thumbs;twiddle our thumbs;twiddle their thumbs;twiddle your thumbs;twirl her thumbs;twirl his thumbs;twirl my thumbs;twirl our thumbs;twirl their thumbs;twirl your thumbs详细»
不耐用wear badly;wore badly详细»
不联锁non locking详细»
不肯上班book off sick详细»