
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第61页

不拘礼仪without circumstance详细»
不拘礼节地in a family详细»
不择手段的jack leg详细»
不按次序排队jump the queue详细»
不按规格分等级的run of the mine详细»
不挤凸的non extruding详细»
不振at a low ebb详细»
不损害without harm to详细»
不损害上述权利地salvo the said rights详细»
不接受close one''s mind to详细»
不接收non acceptance详细»
不接触kept away from contact with;out of touch详细»
不插手keep one''s fingers off详细»
不摆动的non oscillatory详细»
不支持hold no brief for;run out on详细»
不改常态look herself;look himself;look like herself;look like himself;look like myself;look like ourselves详细»
不放弃...希望cling to the hope that详细»
不敢be shy of详细»
不整齐be all over the place;be out of trim详细»
不文明的wild and woolly详细»
不断发展的ever expending详细»
不断地end to end;on and on;right along;without cease详细»
不断地喘气gasp away详细»
不断地抨击whale away详细»
不断地要求go on at详细»
不断地驱使order about;order around详细»
不断增长be one the increase;on the increase详细»
不断差遣order about详细»